Thatipatri Gnanamma
1819 – 1874
A laywoman, Thatipathri Gnanamma, founded the Congregation of Sisters of St. Anne-Madras. She was born in 1819 at Phirangipuram in Guntur District in Andhra Pradesh, India, as the second child of Gali Rayanna and Mariamma, a pious and devout couple.
Gnanamma, as a little child, received religious instruction from her father and her only brother, Showraiyya…
From the Blog
The Convent and School at Royapuram, 1885
While the branch Convent at Phirangipuram began to thrive, the Mother-House at Kilachery was not in a very satisfactory condition. […]
Losses and Hardships
To proceed with the history of the New Institute, the School began its scholastic year in 1875 in right earnest […]
Mother Joseph, the First Novitiate at Kilachery
The Novitiate at Kilachery was started on 12th December 1875. Pagadala Anthoniamma was the first to enter the Novitiate and […]
The New School at Phirangipuram, 1883
The convent School was formally opened on the 8th January 1883, the first teachers being Sisters Bernard and Dyernamma (Postulants). […]
Fresh Branches of the Congregation – 1882
By the end of 1881, the New Institute consisted of two professed nuns 3 Novices, 10 Postulants and 10 Aspirants […]
The Famine of 1877
During the time of Fr. Ignatius, the Parish Priest of Kilachery and Director of the Convent, the School was raised […]